Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Sea of Monsters

Percy Jackson runs away from Camp Half-Blood to help his best friend Grover and find a cure for whatever's poisoning the camp's boundries. He also gets another piece of information about his that he's not exactly happy about it.

I think this book is my favorite in the series so far. While the first book introduced a lot of the monsters and themes of Greek mythology, this one gets into the actual stories/legends a lot more. It also gets into the characters more than the first book. In "Lightning Thief" we met a lot of characters, but Percy didn't get to interact with a ton of them. That changes in this book.

Favorite Quote: "Do you have a favorite constellation, Percy?"- Hermes
"Uh, I like Hercules."- Percy
"Because he had rotten luck. Even worse than mine. It makes me feel better."

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